The following day, we arrived in Cozumel with a plan to head to the beach and celebrate the birthdays and anniversary! However...Karl thwarted us and threatened rain the entire day. So.......we walked around town for a little while, I bought some Mexican vanilla and went on a mad hunt for almond tequila and then we headed to the Three Amigos for some drinks. And drink we did. At the Three Amigos there was a balloon man, you know, one that creates balloon shapes! He made us all hats (funny hats for some) which made for some excellent pictures. After the drinking, we headed back to the boat for our "beach party" on deck in the pool, dinner, comedians and the boat headed off to Roatan!
Angie, Janice and I in our hats!
Yes they are doing what you think they are doing...
That's dad, but he's kind of hidden
That's mom back there, but you can only see her hat. The rest of her is hidden by Sarah's hat!
Dad (wearing the funny shirt that Angie bought him) and Natasa (our awesome head waiter!)
a GIANT chair
with a GIANT table
Monkey see, monkey do ;)